NBA 2K10

Check the latest series of NBA 2K!! ...
NBA 2K10

Splinter Cell Conviction

Agent Sam Fisher working for the National Security Agency, would have to sneak his way, ...

Battlefield : Bad Company 2

Previously, we've covered some of the new vehicles you can expect to see on the snowy Port Valdez map,..

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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Battlefield : Bad Company 2

Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

Fans of online shooters have had a great past few months with games like Left 4 Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2 occupying the disc trays of consoles the world over. Those post-headshot cackles of glee shouldn't be letting up anytime soon, because a number of intriguing shooters are slated for release in early 2010. One of the most promising of the bunch is DICE's Battlefield: Bad Company 2, a game we've had our eye on for quite some time. Previously, we've covered some of the new vehicles you can expect to see on the snowy Port Valdez map, and we've detailed the new class customization options on the dusty Arica Harbour map. Our most recent look at Bad Company 2 gave us a chance to see two new locales and a new gameplay mode: Squad Deathmatch.

As the name implies, Squad Deathmatch is a twist on the most basic of shooter modes. The difference here is that it's not a free-for-all, nor is it a one-team-versus-the-other situation. Instead, it's four teams of four all duking it out to be the first squad to reach 50 total kills. It makes for quite a different style of combat and a much more tense and unnerving experience. Even if you manage to survive an encounter with an opponent from one squad, you never know if there's a member of another squad just waiting in the bushes for the right moment to pull mop-up duty. You also feel much more connected to your squadmates knowing that it's four of you, and 12 of them.

Another thing that makes Squad Deathmatch interesting is the way certain endgame scenarios change your play style. Say your squad and another squad are both tied at 45 total kills, with the other two teams so far behind that they're basically out of the competition. Suddenly, the strategy becomes seeking out the losing squads and trying to avoid the one that's close to you in total kills. Who cares if you die while going after the weak guys? They're already out of it. But a death against the team that's tied with you suddenly matters a whole lot more. There's also one single tank in Squad Deathmatch that acts as a sort of centerpiece for the action, allowing one team to both go on a rampage and signal to the other teams with a very loud voice where they are and where they can be killed. Overall, Squad Deathmatch adds a few very interesting risk-reward dynamics to the usual Deathmatch formula.

We played Squad Deathmatch on the new Laguna Presa map, an area set in a vibrant jungle where a series of small islands are separated by knee-deep pools and streams. This map has a lot of small patches of foliage to hide in, as well as a number of rickety wooden buildings that don't provide a whole lot of protection from incoming gunfire. This map is a stark departure from previous Bad Company 2 maps we've seen, which were set in snowy Alaska and parts of arid South America. We also got to play on another new map called Panama Canal, which is a shipping yard set on the famous maritime passageway in Central America. This industrial-themed map offers a demolished collection of rusted freighter boats and shipping cans and gives you the chance to cruise around in several tanks and quad ATVs.

On the Panama Canal map, we played that old Battlefield standby known as Conquest mode. As fans of the series will recall, this mode sees two teams fighting for capture points spread across the map. The first team to exhaust its total number of respawns loses, and the point of maintaining capture points is that they offer a boost to the total number of respawns your team has left. In contrast to the measured jungle-stalking of the Laguna Presa map, we found Panama Canal to be a more frenetic and explosive experience. With the ATVs zooming around and the capture points serving as magnets for a flurry of incoming grenades, this map and mode certainly felt a lot more chaotic than Squad Deathmatch on Laguna Presa.

We've seen Bad Company 2 several times now, and we've had fun with it every time we've picked up a controller. The large-scale maps, destructible buildings, and vehicle options make for a fun and varied experience that allows you to pursue victory from a number of different angles. Whether you play as a rooftop sniper, a tank driver, or a deranged medic running around zapping enemies to death with defibrillator paddles, there's a lot of room to play how you want. Bad Company 2 is due out March 2.

NBA 2K10

Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

It's hard to believe that this year marks the ten year anniversary of the Dreamcast. I remember giddily anticipating the 9.9.99 release of what would be Sega's last hardware entry, if for no other reason than the release of NFL 2K, which still remains one of the most incredible sports...

It's hard to believe that this year marks the ten year anniversary of the Dreamcast. I remember giddily anticipating the 9.9.99 release of what would be Sega's last hardware entry, if for no other reason than the release of NFL 2K, which still remains one of the most incredible sports games of all time. However, tucked just behind NFL 2K's September 1999 release was another sports game from the folks at Visual Concepts--NBA 2K, released in November of that year--which did nearly as much for basketball as its football brethren did for pigskin. Today, 2K announced a special anniversary edition version of its upcoming NBA 2K10--which, obviously, is the tenth game in the famed basketball series. To coincide with the announcement, we spoke with 2K's Vice President of Sports Development Jeff Thomas to get his thoughts on the history of the series, as well as what fans can expect from the limited edition version of 2K10.

GameSpot: This being the tenth anniversary of the NBA 2K series, let's take it back to the beginning. What do you remember about the development of NBA 2K?

Jeff Thomas: It was HARD! No, kidding aside, I remember being amazed at the power of the Dreamcast and what it was capable of doing. This was the start of it all.

GS: What was building the team like? This being the first basketball game you made, how much "NBA 101" was required in order to get the team up to speed?

JT: Building any development team is difficult but we were lucky to get people that had actual college basketball experience. I still hear the stories about taking "so and so" to the rim at the Purdue campus!

GS: What was the hardest thing to get right about the sport? What aspect of the game came easiest to you during development?

JT: The hardest thing about making any sports title is "the feel" . A game just has to feel right and that is a very difficult thing to accomplish. As far as easy goes, I am still waiting for that!

GS: At the time, Visual Concepts was riding high from the buzz surrounding NFL 2K's release with the launch of the Dreamcast. Were you worried that the NBA game would be lost by comparison?

JT: Of course NFL was in the limelight because it was the first one completed and with the popularity of football in this country, it was no doubt going to get the buzz. But we always knew that NBA was going to be an incredible game as well. All of the same technology that was driving NFL 2K was also driving NBA, and with the amount of drive the NBA team has it was only a matter of time before it ruled the NBA market.

GS: Leading up to the debut game's release in 1999, what was the atmosphere like at Visual Concepts? Was it competitive between the NFL and NBA teams? Friendly? Or was everyone just sort of buckled down and trying to get their product finished?

JT: Competition was always very high here at VC, but not between the NFL and NBA teams but between us and the competing products. The reason we have such a great game today is because of the driving force needed to beat the big company down the road.

GS: How much did you pay attention to the NBA videogame competition of the time, such as NBA Live or Midway's NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC back then?

JT: We looked at every basketball game ever made. NBA Jam gave us ideas; we even went back to games like Dr J. vs. Larry Bird, Double Dribble and Lakers vs. Celtics, one of my all-time favorites.

GS: Now that the series prepares for its tenth installments, what do you think have been the most important cornerstones of the NBA 2K series? Conversely, has there been a feature that you knew wasn't right and had to be either scrapped or improved quickly?

JT: The cornerstone for all of the NBA 2K series games has been the feel of the control. Running 60 frames per second is critical to how it feels and how responsive the game is. We did a feature that lasted a couple of years called 24/7, it was always kind of an "out there" feature and never well received. It ended up being scrapped, but you never know what the future will bring?

GS: What will be in the Limited Edition of NBA 2K10?

JT: Here's what the anniversary edition will include:

• NBA 2K10 video game (X360 or PS3 only)
• Numbered 2K Sports game storage locker with combination lock
• Exclusive McFarlane Kobe Bryant figurine
• Exclusive 2K Sports Kobe Bryant poster designed by Shepard Fairey's Studio No. 1
• NBA 2K10 Anniversary video exploring the history of the NBA 2K franchise
• Access to the Gold Room, NBA 2K10's VIP online lobby

GS: We understand there will be an NBA 2K 10th anniversary DVD. What can fans expect from the movie?

JT: It is a retrospective of the NBA 2Kfranchise over the past 10 years told through the filter of our various cover athletes over the years. The video takes a look at each iteration of the NBA 2K series and its respective cover athlete. The video was put together by the NBA and is a mash up of live action NBA footage, NBA 2K gameplay footage, behind-the-scenes content and other game assets told in an entertaining narrative style. All told, the video is nearly 25 minutes in length.

GS: Folks who purchase the anniversary edition will also have access to the Gold Room, a VIP online lobby. Will there be any sort of special content or tournaments for LE-owners?

JT: Yes, the Gold Room will be a place where Anniversary Edition owners and 2K Sports VIP's can come find a game away from the maddening crowds in the public lobbies. Exact plans have not been nailed down yet, but it would be fair to expect a certain amount of VIP events to be happening in the Gold Room once the game launches.

GS: Finally, how much is the anniversary edition version of NBA 2K10 going to cost and when will it be released?

JT: The Anniversary Edition will be $99.99 MSRP and will release day and date with the standard edition, on Tuesday, October 6.

GS: Thanks for your time, Jeff.


Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

EA gave a brief, top-level overview of what to expect from FIFA 10 in our visit to its booth. The first thing David Rutter, producer at EA, pointed out was the new dribbling system. In the previous FIFA, players only had eight directional movements, but in FIFA 10, players have full 360-degree movement, which enables them to move with the ball in a much more realistic fashion. Rutter pointed out that previously you had to use limited motions to move the ball up the field and avoid defenders, but the refined control makes that unnecessary. "The cool thing about 360 dribbling is that you can push the ball anywhere you want on the pitch," he said. "Previously, you might spot a gap between two defenders, and you'd have to sort of zigzag to get there. This gives you a lot more freedom."

Seeing this in action onscreen definitely revealed more articulation with ball movement, and a quick contest from a defender on the field showed another improvement made to the game in the form of enhanced physical play where a defender can muscle out the ball with a bit more finesse. Along those same lines, slide tackling has been modified to better reflect individual player skill, as well as his position in relation to the ball.

Rutter also revealed the new urgency system, which realistically portrays a player's behavior away from the ball. "When players aren't involved in the action, they're a little more relaxed, but as soon as they see a threatening position, they'll run with a lot more urgency," he explained. "That works for both defenders and attackers." Defenders also do a better job of covering the field, thanks to some reworking of the threat analysis system--if there's a gap somewhere behind the defenders, then they won't switch out their positions. Likewise, attackers push up the field in intelligent ways, attempting to get open and spread the defense to open up passing lanes.

In addition, you'll see an all-new trapping system, which shows that players will recognize when they're not being immediately threatened by a defender. "What was happening was the ball was coming in, and the player would get into the first possible position to intercept the ball," said Rutter. "The ball usually bounced on his chest and then he would get it under control. In nonthreatening situations, you'll actually see players back off to take the ball on their feet." The goalkeeper has also been the focus of similar changes for FIFA 10. "We have some new reactions in there. He's able to tip the ball and guard more effectively on crosses," he said. "We've also added an ability to scramble back to the line and scoop the ball off the line in emergency situations, which wasn't there last year."

The Practice mode is another big aspect of the game, and it's something that fans of the game have demanded. In this mode, you can have as few as four players on the field, but if you want to have a full squad on the field, that's also possible. But the main focus of the Practice mode is what it implies--to work on your skills for certain situations so that when a real game is on the line, you don't mess up.

Another major sticking point for the fans of previous games has been the over-the-top ball where a defender launches the ball toward the opposing team's goal in the hopes of clearing the area and going back on the offensive. "We tried to adjust the frustrations with the game that fans have reported," said Rutter. "A lot of the time, we saw things like [the over-the-top ball] being too powerful, so we had to adjust not just the defensive AI, but also introduce slightly more error on those balls."

Lots of other tweaks and additions have been made to other facets of the game as well. The improved momentum system brings a greater risk-versus-reward element for being aggressive on offense or defense, essentially making it difficult for aggressive players to recover if they miss their intended target. Also, changes have been made to the Manager mode. Match simulations in this mode are now based on the skill of individual players and on a per-minute basis, so the outcomes should be a bit more realistic. Transfers now take into account the prestige of a club, as well as opportunities for player growth and opportunities for money. For example, if a star player is fielding offers from other teams, he may be less likely to join a team that already has another star player or simply doesn't have enough money. We've only scratched the surface of FIFA 10, so we hope to get a peek at some of these and other refinements in the near future before the game is released this fall.

Metal Gear Solid Rising

Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

Microsoft press conference at E3, famed developer Hideo Kojima finally confirmed what fans of the console have long hoped for: The Metal Gear Solid franchise is coming to Microsoft's gaming device. Titled Metal Gear Solid Rising, the new game will follow the adventures of the ninja Raiden, with Kojima offering very few other details.

What he did show, however, was a quick trailer. Although that ended up being as oblique as Konami's teaser campaign in the lead up to this year's E3. The trailer began amidst a background of gray, cloudy skies. Brief flashes of what looked like Japanese characters then appeared, as well as various close-ups of Raiden's eyes, gloves, chest plates, and more. The trailer then showed a full head-and-shoulders view of the ninja, which looked to be the same as was revealed last week on the official Kojima Productions Web site. As with previous Metal Gear games, Rising will also have a three word tagline. This time, it's: Lightning Bolt Action. The words "Sneak In" then appeared, followed by a voice-over, which said "Raiden... is back."

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Conviction

Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

After five generally excellent Splinter Cell games, the trademark stealth action gameplay of the series was getting a bit long in the tooth. Typically, elite agent Sam Fisher working for the National Security Agency, would have to sneak his way into various facilities to save the day from terrorists, dictators, and tyrants. Well, that formula is getting a major shakeup with Splinter Cell: Conviction. Now, instead of skulking around in the dark for his country, Sam is a fugitive on the run.

In Double Agent, the last chapter in the series, Sam goes undercover to infiltrate a terrorist organization. However, by the end of the game, Sam is on the run from the FBI, NSA, and law enforcement while a "to be continued" flashes across the screen. Conviction is set two years later, and Sam looks a lot different; he's almost unrecognizable, thanks to a thick shaggy mop of black hair and a full beard. The trademark, high-tech Splinter Cell suit is also gone because Sam is now clad in regular street clothes and a hoodie. This is important because this new Sam Fisher has to venture through the Washington D.C. area in search of evidence that will exonerate him.

Conviction still features stealth action, but it's differently paced than its predecessors. The idea is to blend into a crowd, not to hide from it. This will raise all sorts of comparisons to another Ubisoft game that also has you blending in a crowd: Assassin's Creed. Indeed, it's almost eerie to see how similar the scene we saw in Conviction is to the demo level of Assassin's Creed. Sam walks out into the Korean War Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C. and literally rubs elbows with the crowd. His mission is to slip past a couple of security guards at one end of the memorial. We saw a couple of different approaches to this; the first had Sam almost get his cover blown by one of the guards after getting too close to the guard. That guard, having spotted Sam, follows him into a remote corner of the memorial, where Sam quickly incapacitates him. That's standard Splinter Cell. Another method is actually quite clever, where Sam causes a distraction by grabbing someone's laptop and walking away with it. The angered crowd begins to yell at him, and the guards on the other side of the memorial begin to come over to investigate. Sam can drop the laptop, slip through the crowd, and pass through a now unguarded entranceway. If you're feeling aggressive, you can also have Sam slip an MP-5 out from under his coat and gun down the guards, though that will cause lots of headaches because you'll blow your cover. And while it won't result in instant mission failure, it will count against you when it comes to evaluating your performance.

Another new feature in Conviction is the idea of active stealth, which is where you hide in crowds, as well as anywhere else logical. If you're in a room and someone is about to enter, you can try ducking under a table or a desk. You can also manipulate a lot more of the environment, thanks to a new grasping mechanic in the game. Basically, Sam can grasp almost anything that a person should be able to pick up and grasp. This ability should open up the gameplay. For instance, we saw Sam chased into a building, where he closed the door behind him and barricaded it by knocking over a bookcase. He then picked up various objects and piled them against the door.

Because this was the very first glimpse of Conviction, Ubisoft didn't give us much more to explore. However, the game looks great, and we can't wait to try out this new approach to the franchise. The good news is that it's due out this Christmas. The bad news for PlayStation 3 fans is that it's an Xbox 360 exclusive. Ubisoft will undoubtedly release more information about Conviction during the coming months, and we'll keep you updated on the game.

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Posted by Denny Tri Wijaya

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